"Without the help of the charity at the most difficult time of my life, I couldn't celebrate my 60th birthday or retire."
Tuesday 26 July 2022
Rashik Parmar, from Shadwell, Leeds, was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2012. This year, he celebrated two huge milestones with us: his 60th birthday and his retirement, raising over £3,000.
My bowel cancer journey started mid-April 2012 when a friendly and cheerful consultant explained I had a malignant tumour. Little did I know what life was about to send my way and I was totally unprepared. After a number of surgeries and radiotherapy, I was left trying to rebuild my life.
My wife found about the Beating Bowel Cancer charity (which later merged with Bowel Cancer UK) and suggested we go to the event they had planned in London. Attending was not a simple exercise as I was in constant pain and trying to cope with the bowel issues. I was able to meet with two nurse practitioners who were wonderful in knowing the situation and providing practical simple advice. I still follow this advice and it has helped me restore a near normal life. In addition, there was a meditation/relaxation workshop and I still use the CD that was provided in the ‘difficult days’.
I did decide to document my experiences from a patient’s perspective in a short booklet and the proceeds from these sales also goes to bowel cancer charities.
If it were not for the help of the charity at the most difficult time of my life I would not be able to celebrate my 60th birthday or retire. So the least I can do is to ask family and friends to join me in celebrating these milestones via a JustGiving page. I’m a regular blogger so the creation of the page and politely asking people to donate on social media is very simple. I think anyone can do this and they should overcome their initial fear of the unknown. I am always pleasantly surprised at how kind and generous people are. These moments remind us what it means to be human.
- If you've been inspired by Rashik’s fundraising and would like to make your celebration extra special by asking your friends and family to make a donation to our work, please find out more here
- Contribute to Rashik’s retirement JustGiving page
- Take a look at Rashik’s booklet