Scottish Government publishes five-year Genomic Medicine Strategy
Thursday 25 April 2024
We welcome the publication of the long-delayed Scottish Genomic Medicine Strategy for 2024-2029. The strategy outlines their vision for a person-centred genomics medicine service that will help deliver high-quality care for a range of conditions, including bowel cancer.
Genomic medicine is the use of genetic information (the instructions within our cells that shape a person’s health, growth and development) to diagnose conditions, guide the use of different treatments or predict the risk of disease.
The strategy reflects the Scottish government’s commitment to making genomic services a key part of routine cancer pathways. For those with an increased risk of developing certain cancers, such as people with Lynch syndrome, this means that they can receive personalised prevention strategies and targeted treatments based upon their genetic profile.
The strategy also explores tailoring drug selection based on a person’s genes. This has the potential to improve treatment for people with bowel cancer who have the DPYD (Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase) genetic variant. These patients have increased risk of severe toxicity during fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy, which is used in the treatment of solid tumours including bowel cancer.
Genomics has the potential to transform routine bowel cancer care. For this potential to be realised, however, we believe that this strategy must go further to ensure appropriate funding, services, and pathways are available to optimise outcomes for people with genetic conditions such as Lynch syndrome.
Gerard McMahon, Head of Policy and Influencing for the devolved nations, said: "We welcome the publication of this landmark strategy. Genomic medicine has a pivotal role to play in the future of cancer services, and it is right that this strategy sets out the ambition of moving genomics from a specialist service to a key element of routine care pathways.
"Enhancing access, recruitment, and data management are at the heart of this strategy and the Scottish Government sets out clearly where changes are needed. However, the scale of the challenge will only become greater as demand grows. We call on the Scottish Government to deliver this strategy via an updated funding model to realise their ambitions and avoid a missed opportunity to transform genomic services.”
- Find out more about our work in Scotland
- Learn about the symptoms of bowel cancer