Dame Deborah James impact: more people referred for bowel cancer tests
Thursday 11 August 2022
Figures published by NHS England today (Thursday 11 August) show more people being referred for key tests that can diagnose bowel cancer – the UK’s second biggest cancer killer. This is a good indication that people are speaking to their GP about their bowel health after noticing symptoms or changes. And we believe we have our patron the late Dame Deborah James to thank.
Dame Deborah’s final message in the months leading up to her tragic death in June 2022 was to ‘check your poo – it could save your life’ and it seems like people have been doing just that.
The figures, for June 2022, show that 96,774 people living in England were on the waiting list for bowel investigations – this is 2,537 higher than the previous month (94,237) and 8,938 higher than this time last year (87,836).
However, more needs to be done to ensure the NHS can provide key bowel cancer tests when they are needed. The demand for these tests far outweighs the number of appointments available, meaning that if there are more people on the waiting list the longer they have to wait. Over half of people urgently referred for bowel cancer investigation were waiting longer than 28 days for diagnosis, or to have a cancer ruled out.
Of these 96,774 people waiting for tests, 37% were waiting more than six weeks for an endoscopy (colonoscopy or flexi-sigmoidoscopy which can diagnose bowel cancer), with nearly a 20,307 of people (21%) waiting more than 13 weeks. While most of those waiting won't have bowel cancer, early diagnosis saves lives so it's important that people are seen as quickly as possible.
Genevieve Edwards, Chief Executive at Bowel Cancer UK, says: “The spotlight on bowel cancer has never been so bright, thanks to Dame Deborah’s powerful campaign to raise awareness of the disease. As she would always say "make sure you check your poo".
“It’s excellent news that people recognise the symptoms of bowel cancer and are contacting their GP when they spot them. It's equally good that their concerns are being taken seriously because we know how important it is to rule out bowel cancer first and fast.
“Early diagnosis is vital - bowel cancer is treatable and curable, especially if diagnosed early. Nearly everyone diagnosed at the earliest stage will survive bowel cancer, but this drops significantly as the disease develops.
“However, the biggest barrier to improving early diagnosis is the long-standing workforce shortage in endoscopy and pathology services. The new Prime Minister must urgently address this in the upcoming 10-Year Cancer Plan to meet the ambition to diagnose 75% of cancers early by 2028.”
Here at Bowel Cancer UK we're campaigning and working hard to improve capacity within diagnostic services:
- We, along with over 50 other cancer charities, have written to Rishi Sunak MP and Liz Truss MP to engage with the two MPs running to be future leader of the Conservative Party, and therefore the new Prime Minister of the UK to emphasis the urgent need to address NHS cancer workforce shortages to improve outcomes, and not undermine the commitments in the awaited new 10-Year Cancer Plan.
- We submitted a comprehensive response into the Department of Health and Social Care’s call for evidence to inform a new 10-Year Cancer Plan and shared the views of our patient and clinical community. We are awaiting the publication of the new plan which is expected in the Autumn.
- We spoke at a roundtable hosted by Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, the former Secretary of State on World Cancer Day to discuss the impact of the pandemic and the challenges in improving bowel cancer outcomes.
- We’re continuing to meet with key MPs to discuss our new report ‘Improving Bowel Cancer Outcomes’ which calls for urgent investment in diagnostic workforce and kit to improve capacity within vital cancer services.