Lisa Rogers, Hull
I lost my sister Ruby to bowel cancer at the age of 28.
My sister Ruby was the most kind and fun person I’ve ever met. She was the best sister, fiancée, daughter, and friend, and we still cannot believe we've lost her.
Ruby began to experience symptoms in October 2022. She was in pain and noticed blood in her poo. She went to her GP, but unfortunately she was overlooked as they thought she was too young for it to be anything as serious as cancer. Her symptoms were passed off as being caused by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and colitis.
As her symptoms worsened, Ruby continued to report that she felt unwell. She had rapid weight loss and sickness. Her fiancé, Vic, would often find her curled up in pain at home, after she’d been sent home from work because she was unable to get through the day.
On 9 May 2023 she collapsed in pain at work and was brought into A&E, at which point she was finally scanned and diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer that had spread to her liver. She died on 23 August 2023.
Her family and friends have done several fundraisers throughout Ruby’s illness and since losing her, including a pub quiz and a coffee morning. I sang on Facebook live, our mum Kath organised a charity night with singers and our cousin Paul did a sponsored cycle from Manchester to Hull. In the last couple of months, we’ve together raised £1,775, which has been donated to Bowel Cancer UK.
It's important to us that Ruby is recognised for her bravery and strength in the face of her cancer. Even when in extreme pain she posted on social media to help others become aware of the signs and symptoms of the disease so that fewer people receive a late diagnosis.
We miss Ruby and will love her forever. In tribute to her, we’re continuing to plan fundraisers for Bowel Cancer UK in order to help stop people dying of bowel cancer.

Above: Lisa's sister Ruby in a wheel chair surrounded by family

Above: Lisa's sister Ruby