Genomics education programme
Our two-part virtual education programme has been developed to support Colorectal Clinical Nurse Specialists, Endoscopists and Specialist Screening Practitioners. Delivered by Dr Terri Porrett and Vicky Cuthill, our new programme will cover the latest in genomics in cancer care and how to futureproof your practice.
Genomics I: An overview of genomics in cancer care
The first session in our two part series will provide an overview of genomics, its effects on chemotherapy and how genomics link with the National Cancer Transformation Programme.
This session took place on Wednesday 11 May 2022, 3-4pm. You can catch up on the event here.
Genomics II: Futureproofing your practice for genomics in cancer care
The second session will cover how genomics may affect you in your role, and how you can prepare for genomics in clinical practice.
This session took place on Wednesday 8 June 2022, 3-4pm. You can catch up on the event here.
About the speakers
Dr Terri Porrett, Strategic Project Manager
Terri was a ward sister at St Mark's Hospital before joining the Homerton NHSFT as a CNS in stoma care. Terri worked at the Homerton as a Nurse Consultant and was Clinical Director of the North East London Bowel Cancer Screening Centre. Empowering Specialist Nurses to demonstrate their value is her key focus and led to the development of the Apollo Nursing Resource.
Vicky Cuthill, Lead Nurse/Manager, The St Mark's Centre for Familial Intestinal Cancer and Macmillan Genomics Clinical Fellow
Vicky's nursing background was initially in general intensive care. She then specialised, firstly in benign colorectal conditions at the Royal London Hospital, before moving into Colorectal Cancer at The Homerton Hospital, and then becoming a Polyposis Nurse Practitioner and Lead Nurse at St Mark's. Alongside the unit's cancer prevention work, Vicky works with Macmillan to raise the profile of genomics in cancer care and presents extensively on this subject.

Pictured above are speakers for the programme: Dr Terri Porrett (above left) and Vicky Cuthill (above right)
Merck provided a restricted medical grant to support this virtual event. Merck did not have any input into the agenda or content of this virtual meeting.