Where to get bereavement support
The following organisations provide information and support for people coping with the loss of a loved one:
- Cancer Research UK provides information on what happens after someone dies and support for carers
- Cruse Bereavement Support offers face to face, telephone and online support for bereaved people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland offers face to face, telephone and online support for bereaved people in Scotland - Family Support NI has a searchable list of bereavement support services in Northern Ireland
- Good life, Good Death, Good Grief has information and support for people in Scotland
- HealthTalk has videos of people talking about how they cope with bereavement and practical things to do after death
- Hospice UK offers advice and information about death and bereavement, and support for family. It also has a searchable list of local services
- Macmillan Cancer Support has information for friends and family members on caring for someone near death and coping with bereavement
- Marie Curie provides information on supporting someone at the end of life and coping when someone dies. They also have information on how to support someone who is bereaved
- Sue Ryder has information for family and carers on making your loved one comfortable, getting support and coping with bereavement. They also have an Online Bereavement Community forpeople to share experiences, ask questions and chat to people who understand
- Widowed and Young provides support for people aged 50 or under when their partner died
NHS support
- The NHS has information on bereavement support services in England
- NHS Inform has details of bereavement support services in Scotland
- NHS Wales has information on bereavement support services in Wales
- Northern Health and Social Care Trust has information on bereavement support services in Northern Ireland
What to do when someone dies
- The government website has a step by step guide on what to do when someone dies
- Tell Us Once is a service that lets you report a death to most government organisations in one go. This is for bereaved people in England, Scotland and Wales. For Northern Ireland, visit nidirect government services
- Citizens Advice has information on what to do after death for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

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