Taking a break from treatment
Some people may want to have a short delay or take a break from treatment. If you want to take a break, speak to your healthcare team who will be able to give you advice and support about the next steps.
People take a break from treatment for a range of reasons. For example, it could be for a special occasion, going on holiday or wanting more time to recover from some side effects of treatment.
Sometimes taking a break can help you both physically and mentally, but you may need treatment to control the cancer first. If you decide to take a break, you will still be monitored and in regular contact with your healthcare team to make sure that any changes you may go through are investigated straight away.
You may decide not to have any treatment or that you want to stop treatment. You might hear this being called best supportive care. This can be a difficult decision to make but can provide a sense of relief for some people. You can discuss this with your oncologist or clinical nurse specialist. They will continue to provide support and give you medicines to help relieve any symptoms to help improve your quality of life.

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