Physical activity
People who are more physically active, have a lower risk of bowel cancer. Being active can help you keep to a healthy body weight and helps to make you feel good.
Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity five times a week. If you don’t do much physical activity, try starting with 10 minutes and increase the time gradually.
Physical activity doesn’t have to mean working out in a gym. There are many ways that you can be more active in your daily life. For example:
- taking the stairs instead of the lift or escalator
- walking to the shops
- doing the housework
- walking the dog
- getting off the bus a few stops earlier
Wearing a fitness monitor or using a phone app to count the number of steps you take could encourage you to walk further.
Try swapping less active hobbies like watching TV or reading for things like:
- dancing
- swimming
- hiking
- cycling
- yoga
Try to spend less time sitting down. If you have an office job, try not to sit for longer than one hour at a time, stand up while talking on the phone and take a walk at lunchtime if you can.
Remember, if you miss a few days, don't give up. You can start again tomorrow.
If you’re very overweight, or have health problems, speak to your GP before beginning a weight management and exercise programme.
Find out more at
Updated August 2024